Laura Marsh, FNP-BC

Laura Marsh, FNP-BC
Family Nurse Practitioner
Laura Marsh is a Family Nurse Practitioner who has been working with ECHO since 2022. She is from Evansville, Indiana, and graduated with a Master’s Degree in Nursing. Laura loves ECHO because she is able to provide compassionate and quality care to the community that she is so passionate about, especially for those who are most in need. Her ultimate goal is to give back to her community.
John St. Woodson Homeless Health Clinic
401 John St.
Evansville, IN 47713
Open Daily
Monday: 8am - 5pm
Tuesday: 9:30am - 5pm
Wednesday: 8am - 5pm
Thursday: 8am - 5pm
Friday: 8am - 5pm
For established patients with urgent needs after hours, please call 812-421–7489.